February 26, 2016 Special Session



February 25, 2016
Wellman, Iowa

     The Wellman City Council met in special session in the Council Meeting Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building at 7:30am.  Mayor Ryan Miller presided by City Administrator and following Council Members: Robert Goodrich, Jared Schneider, Fern Bontrager, Robert Freeman and Tracy Owens.  Agenda was approved upon motion by Schneider, Seconded by Goodrich and all aye votes.

Resolution No. 16-09 A resolution approving settlement of a pending lawsuit and authorizing the mayor to execute the same on the City’s behalf was introduced and caused to be read.  Schaffer has executed the agreement that says he will complete the following tasks on or before June 15, 2016 which include: Demolish the residence located on the property (including the foundation); fill the voids left in the lot; remove all debris, rubbish, junk and other items; either seed the property with grass or commence construction of a new residence.  If Mr. Schaffer fails or refuses to complete any of these tasks on or before the date listed, he agrees to surrender title to the property to the City by Quit Claim Deed delivered on or before July 1, 2016.  Bontrager moved to adopt Resolution No. 16-09; Seconded by Owens and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.

With no further business Owens moved for adjournment at 7:34 am, Schneider seconded and all aye votes.  The next regular City Council meeting will be held Monday, March 7, 2016 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.

Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk subject to Council Approval.

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